
Easiest Big Dogs to Own: A Low-Maintenance Guide

Easiest Big Dogs to Own

When it comes to choosing a canine companion, big dogs have a charm all their own. Their imposing size and gentle demeanor make them fantastic additions to the family. However, big dogs often come with the misconception that they require excessive care and attention. In reality, there are several big dog breeds that are surprisingly low-maintenance. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the easiest big dogs to own, helping you find the perfect match for your lifestyle and preferences.

Why Choose a Big Dog?

When considering a furry addition to your family, it's important to weigh your options carefully. While there are numerous dog breeds available, big dogs offer a unique set of advantages that can greatly enrich your life as a pet owner. Here's why you might want to consider welcoming a big dog into your home:

  1. Loyal Companionship: Big dogs are renowned for their unwavering loyalty. Their deep bonds with their owners translate into a steadfast and protective presence, making them excellent choices for families seeking a devoted companion.
  2. Exercise Partners Extraordinaire: If you lead an active lifestyle and love spending time outdoors, big dogs can be the perfect exercise partners. Many large breeds thrive on physical activities and are more than willing to accompany you on hikes, runs, and adventures.
  3. Guardian Instincts: Larger dogs often possess a natural protective instinct. Their imposing size and vigilant demeanor can offer an added layer of security to your home, providing peace of mind for you and your loved ones.
  4. Cuddly Giants: Don't be fooled by their imposing stature; big dogs are often gentle giants at heart. Their affectionate nature and tolerance make them wonderful choices for families with children, as they can be both loving and patient companions.

Top 6 Easiest Big Dogs to Own

When it comes to selecting a big dog breed that's easy to care for, there are several crucial factors to consider, including temperament, grooming demands, exercise requirements, and overall health. Here, we delve into greater detail regarding the top six easiest big dogs to own:

Easiest Big Dogs to Own

1. Basset Hound

The Basset Hound, characterized by its droopy ears and soulful eyes, is a breed that excels in low-maintenance ownership. Here's a closer look at their ease of care:

  • Minimal Grooming: Thanks to their short, dense coat, Basset Hounds require only occasional baths and regular brushing to keep their appearance in top shape.
  • Easygoing Nature: Renowned for their calm and easygoing temperament, these dogs are ideal companions for families, particularly those with children. They're patient and tolerant, making them a great choice for households seeking a docile pet.
  • Low Exercise Needs: Despite being capable of short bursts of energy, Basset Hounds aren't overly active. They thrive with moderate exercise, such as short daily walks, making them adaptable to various lifestyles.
Easiest Big Dogs to Own

2. Bullmastiff

The Bullmastiff, a robust and protective breed, may seem like it requires extensive care, but they're surprisingly low-maintenance. Here's what you need to know:

  • Low Shedding: Bullmastiffs sport a short coat that doesn't shed excessively. This reduces the need for constant cleaning and grooming, which is particularly beneficial for allergy sufferers or those looking for a clean home.
  • Minimal Exercise: Despite their imposing size, Bullmastiffs are content with daily walks and moderate playtime. They aren't overly energetic, making them suitable for families with less active lifestyles.
  • Loyal and Protective: Bullmastiffs have a natural protective instinct, which can offer a sense of security to their owners. This loyalty makes them great family pets.
Easiest Big Dogs to Own

3. Great Dane

Great Danes, often referred to as “gentle giants,” are one of the largest dog breeds. Surprisingly, they're relatively easy to care for. Here's why:

  • Gentle Giants: Great Danes are known for their friendly and affectionate nature, particularly towards children and family members. They thrive on companionship and are excellent indoor pets.
  • Short Coat: Their short, smooth coat requires minimal grooming and sheds very little, reducing the amount of fur maintenance required around the house.
  • Moderate Exercise: Despite their size, they don't demand excessive exercise. Regular walks and some playtime suffice, making them adaptable to various living environments.

4. Greyhound

Greyhounds are famous for their speed, but they are equally celebrated for their low-maintenance care requirements. Here's a detailed look:

  • Low Energy: Greyhounds are sprinters, preferring short bursts of activity followed by long periods of rest. This low energy level makes them ideal for individuals or families with a less active lifestyle.
  • Short Coat: Their short, sleek coat is easy to groom and doesn't shed heavily, reducing the need for frequent cleaning. This is advantageous for maintaining a clean home environment.
  • Calm Demeanor: Greyhounds have a gentle and calm disposition, making them well-suited for apartment living and ideal indoor companions.

5. Newfoundland

Newfoundlands, often referred to as “gentle giants” as well, are massive dogs with equally large hearts. Despite their size, they are relatively low-maintenance:

  • Water-Resistant Coat: Their double coat is water-resistant, allowing them to dry quickly and requiring only minimal grooming. This feature is particularly beneficial for families living near bodies of water.
  • Gentle and Patient: Newfoundlands are known for their patience and gentle nature, especially when interacting with children. They're affectionate and form strong bonds with their families.
  • Moderate Exercise: While they enjoy water activities, Newfoundlands aren't overly active. Regular exercise routines, such as walks and playtime, are sufficient to keep them happy and healthy.

6. English Bulldog

The English Bulldog, with its distinctive stocky appearance, is an excellent choice for those seeking a low-maintenance canine companion. Here's a closer look at their attributes:

  • Low Energy: Bulldogs are not very active dogs, which makes them well-suited for apartment living and less physically demanding households. They are content with lounging around and short walks.
  • Short Coat: Their short, fine coat is easy to maintain and requires minimal grooming. Additionally, they don't shed excessively, which means less fur cleanup around the house.
  • Affectionate: English Bulldogs are known for their affectionate and friendly nature. They form strong bonds with their owners and are renowned for their loyalty, making them wonderful family pets.

Factors to Consider Before Choosing a Big Dog

Before embarking on the journey of welcoming a big dog into your life, it is imperative to meticulously assess several vital aspects to ensure the harmonious integration of your new four-legged family member. Here's a detailed breakdown of these crucial considerations:

Space Adequacy

Take a comprehensive look at your living environment. Gauge whether it can comfortably accommodate a big dog's size and activity needs. Analyze indoor and outdoor spaces to ensure that your canine companion will have ample room to move, play, and relax without feeling confined.

Exercise Requirement

Big dogs typically have high energy levels and require substantial physical activity to thrive. Assess your own activity level and commitment to daily exercise. Are you prepared to engage in vigorous walks, runs, or playtime to meet your dog's exercise needs? Consider whether you have nearby parks or open spaces for exercise.

Allergies and Sensitivities

It's vital to check if you, your family members, or any frequent visitors have allergies to pet dander. Allergies can significantly impact the quality of life for both humans and the dog, so it's essential to be aware of and prepared for any potential allergic reactions.

Lifestyle Compatibility

Keep in mind that big dogs often have long lifespans, sometimes a decade or more. Consider your current lifestyle and how it might change in the future. Are you ready for a long-term commitment to care for and provide companionship to your big dog throughout their life stages?

Financial Planning

Owning a big dog comes with financial responsibilities beyond the initial adoption or purchase cost. Factor in ongoing expenses, such as high-quality dog food, regular grooming, veterinary care, vaccinations, and potential emergency medical costs. Establish a budget to ensure you can comfortably provide for your dog's needs throughout their life.

Training and Socialization

Big dogs require proper training and socialization to become well-adjusted and well-behaved pets. Consider whether you have the time, patience, and willingness to invest in training and socializing your big dog to ensure they are obedient and comfortable in various social situations.

Breed Research

Different big dog breeds have distinct temperaments, exercise requirements, and health considerations. Research the specific breed you're interested in to ensure it aligns with your lifestyle and preferences.

Housing and Local Regulations

Be aware of any housing or community regulations regarding dog ownership, particularly if you're in an apartment or a neighborhood with specific pet policies or breed restrictions.

Training and Socialization

When it comes to big dogs, regardless of their breed, a comprehensive approach to training and socialization is paramount for a harmonious and well-balanced canine companion. Here's an in-depth look at how you can achieve this:

Training – Building a Strong Foundation

Training is the bedrock upon which a well-behaved big dog is built. It establishes boundaries, fosters communication, and cultivates trust between you and your canine companion. Consider the following aspects:

  • Basic Obedience: Invest time and effort in teaching your big dog essential commands like sit, stay, down, and come. Consistency in training methods is crucial for effective learning.
  • Positive Reinforcement: Utilize positive reinforcement techniques such as treats, praise, and affection to reward good behavior. This not only encourages obedience but also strengthens the bond between you and your dog.
  • Professional Assistance: If you're unsure about training techniques or facing specific challenges, consider enrolling in a reputable dog training class or consulting a professional dog trainer. They can provide tailored guidance to address your dog's individual needs.

Socialization – Nurturing a Confident Canine

Socialization is a continuous process that exposes your big dog to various people, animals, environments, and situations. This helps prevent behavioral issues and ensures your dog is well-adjusted. Key considerations include:

  • Early Start: Begin socialization during puppyhood, as this is a critical developmental stage. Gradually introduce your dog to new experiences to build their confidence and reduce fear or anxiety.
  • Diverse Interactions: Encourage positive interactions with people of different ages, other dogs, and various animals. Frequent visits to dog parks, pet-friendly events, and puppy playdates can be valuable experiences.
  • Environmental Exposure: Expose your dog to different environments, such as parks, bustling city streets, rural areas, and indoor settings. This helps them adapt to various surroundings and reduces the likelihood of anxiety in unfamiliar places.

Consistency – Reinforcing Positive Behaviors

Consistency is the cornerstone of effective training and socialization. To ensure your big dog continues to exhibit good behavior:

  • Establish a Routine: Create a consistent daily routine that includes training sessions, exercise, playtime, and rest. Dogs thrive on predictability and structure.
  • Regular Practice: Maintain ongoing training sessions and socialization activities throughout your dog's life. This reinforces positive behaviors and keeps them engaged.
  • Positive Corrections: When addressing undesirable behaviors, opt for positive corrections rather than punitive measures. Redirecting your dog's focus and rewarding alternative behaviors is often more effective and humane.

FAQs – Easiest Big Dogs to Own Guide

Q: What is the easiest big dog?

A: The ease of owning a big dog can vary depending on individual temperament and lifestyle. However, Labrador Retrievers, Golden Retrievers, and Basset Hounds are often considered easier to train and manage due to their friendly and adaptable nature.

Q: What is the safest big dog to own?

A: Safety largely depends on proper training and socialization. Breeds such as Great Danes, Newfoundland dogs, and Saint Bernards are generally known for their gentle and non-aggressive nature, making them safer choices if raised and trained responsibly.

Q: What is the gentlest large dog?

A: Breeds like the Newfoundland, Great Dane, and Irish Wolfhound are renowned for their gentle and sweet disposition, making them some of the gentlest large dog breeds.

Q: What is the biggest and friendliest dog?

A: The Great Dane is often considered one of the biggest and friendliest dog breeds. They are known for their gentle and affectionate nature despite their imposing size.

Q: What is the laziest big dog?

A: While individual personalities can vary, the English Bulldog is often regarded as one of the laziest big dog breeds. They are content with lounging and require minimal exercise.

Q: What large dog is lazy?

A: Besides English Bulldogs, other large dog breeds known for their laziness include the Basset Hound and the Bullmastiff. However, it's essential to ensure they get enough exercise for their overall health.

Q: What big dogs are not aggressive?

A: Several non-aggressive big dog breeds include Golden Retrievers, Bernese Mountain Dogs, and Boxers. Remember that individual temperament and proper training play significant roles in a dog's behavior.

Q: What big dogs don't need much exercise?

A: Breeds like the French Bulldog, Shih Tzu, and Chow Chow are relatively low-energy big dogs that don't require excessive exercise. However, regular walks and mental stimulation are still essential for their well-being.

Q: What dogs need 2 hours of exercise?

A: High-energy breeds like Border Collies, Australian Shepherds, and Siberian Huskies typically require around 2 hours of exercise per day to stay happy and healthy.

Q: What is a low-maintenance dog?

A: Low-maintenance dogs are breeds that require minimal grooming, exercise, and attention. Examples include the Beagle, Chihuahua, and Dachshund.

Q: What is the most low-maintenance pet?

A: Fish, particularly low-maintenance species like bettas or goldfish, are often considered the most low-maintenance pets. They require minimal daily care and can be left alone for extended periods.


Choosing a big dog doesn't have to mean signing up for high maintenance. There are plenty of big dog breeds that are surprisingly easy to care for. Whether you prefer the calm demeanor of a Basset Hound or the protective instincts of a Bullmastiff, there's a big dog out there to match your lifestyle.

By selecting a big dog breed that suits your preferences and living situation, you can enjoy all the benefits of owning a big dog without the added stress and effort of constant grooming and exercise.

So, if you've been dreaming of adding a big dog to your family, don't let the idea of high maintenance hold you back. With the right breed, you can experience the joy of big dog ownership with ease.


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