
Best Big Dogs to Get: Your Ultimate Choice Guide

Best Big Dogs to Get

As a prospective homeowner looking to bring a new canine companion into my life, I understand that size plays a significant role in the decision-making process. I want a larger dog breed that will not only fit my lifestyle but also become a cherished member of my family.

To make an informed choice, I've embarked on a comprehensive journey to explore the best big dog breeds that align with my preferences and living situation. This quest will help me find the perfect furry friend who will not only share my home but also my heart.

Understanding Large Breeds: A Brief Overview

Dogs, as beloved companions, come in a remarkable variety of shapes, sizes, and temperaments. When it comes to larger breeds, these canine companions exhibit distinctive traits and specific requirements that are worth delving into. In general, a dog is classified as “large” when it weighs between 50 to 100 pounds, although certain breeds surpass even these weight ranges.

Key Insights:

  1. Gentle Giants: Large dog breeds often earn the endearing nickname of “gentle giants.” This term encapsulates their remarkable combination of imposing size and gentle, affectionate natures. While each individual dog has its unique personality, these breeds frequently display a friendly and amiable disposition, making them ideal family pets.
  2. Exercise Requirements: The exercise needs of large dog breeds are an essential consideration for prospective owners. Regular physical activity is a must for most larger breeds, but the intensity of exercise can vary significantly. Some require vigorous daily workouts to stay healthy and happy, while others are content with moderate exercise routines. Understanding the specific exercise requirements of a particular breed is crucial to providing them with a fulfilling and active lifestyle.
  3. Lifespan: It's important to note that, on average, larger dog breeds tend to have shorter lifespans when compared to their smaller counterparts. While this isn't an absolute rule, it's a trend that prospective owners should be aware of. Factors such as genetics, diet, and overall care can influence a dog's lifespan, but generally, large breeds have a shorter window of time to share their lives with their human families. This knowledge underscores the importance of providing them with quality healthcare, nutrition, and love throughout their shorter but impactful lives.
  4. Dietary Considerations: Large dog breeds have unique dietary needs due to their size and growth patterns. Nutritional requirements should be carefully tailored to support their bone and joint health, muscle development, and overall well-being. Additionally, large breeds are more susceptible to certain health issues, such as bloat, which can be influenced by their diet. Therefore, consulting with a veterinarian to establish a suitable diet plan is crucial for maintaining their health.
  5. Space and Living Arrangements: The physical space and living environment for large dog breeds can pose challenges. These dogs require ample room to move around comfortably, both indoors and outdoors. Before bringing a large breed into your home, it's essential to assess your living situation and ensure it can accommodate their size. Adequate space promotes their happiness and reduces the risk of behavior issues.
  6. Socialization and Training: Large breeds often benefit from early socialization and consistent training. While they are generally gentle, their size can be intimidating to others if not properly socialized. Obedience training helps establish boundaries and ensures they are well-behaved companions. Investing time and effort into training pays off in the form of a well-adjusted and obedient pet.
Best Big Dogs to Get

Factors to Consider Before Adopting a Big Dog

Space and Living Environment

The first and foremost factor to ponder when contemplating the adoption of a large dog is your living space. Larger breeds require ample room to stretch their legs, roam, play, and rest comfortably. Assess whether your home and yard can accommodate their size and activity level. A spacious environment not only promotes their physical well-being but also contributes to their overall happiness.

Early Training

While training is essential for all dogs, it becomes even more critical when dealing with larger breeds. Their size alone can present unique challenges if unruly behavior is left unaddressed. Therefore, initiating training from an early age is vital to instill good behavior, obedience, and socialization skills in your big canine companion. This proactive approach ensures a harmonious and well-behaved household.

Grooming Needs

Big dogs can vary in their grooming requirements. Some may have thick coats that demand regular brushing and maintenance to prevent matting, while others may have shorter, low-maintenance fur. Prior to adopting a large breed, research their specific grooming needs. This information will help you prepare for either DIY grooming or budget for professional grooming services, ensuring your dog's coat remains clean and healthy.

Financial Commitment

Owning a larger dog entails a substantial financial commitment. These majestic canines consume more food, necessitating a larger portion of your budget. Additionally, their size often calls for bigger toys and accessories. Moreover, some large breeds are prone to specific health issues, which can result in higher veterinary bills. Be prepared for these additional expenses and budget accordingly to provide your big dog with the best possible care.

Exercise and Activity

Large breeds typically have higher energy levels and exercise needs. Consider your own activity level and lifestyle to ensure you can meet the physical demands of your chosen breed. Daily walks, playtime, and mental stimulation are essential to keep your big dog both physically and mentally satisfied. Neglecting their exercise needs can lead to behavioral issues and restlessness.

Healthcare and Lifespan

Research the potential health issues and lifespan of the specific large breed you are interested in. Understanding their predispositions to certain conditions allows you to be proactive in preventive healthcare. Regular veterinary check-ups, vaccinations, and a healthy diet tailored to their needs are crucial for ensuring your dog enjoys a long and happy life.

Socialization and Temperament

Large dog breeds often have gentle and affectionate temperaments, but it's essential to expose them to various social situations from a young age. Proper socialization with other dogs and people helps prevent behavioral problems and fosters a confident and well-adjusted pet.

Top 5 Best Big Dogs to Get

Are you considering adding a big, loving companion to your family? Look no further, as we present the top 5 best big dog breeds, each with its unique characteristics, temperament, and care requirements.

Golden Retriever

  • Size: 55-75 lbs
  • Lifespan: 10-12 years
  • Care Tip: Regular brushing is essential for their long coat.

Why They're Great: Famed for their friendly and tolerant attitude, Golden Retrievers are superb family pets. They are not only easy to train but also get along famously with children and other animals. Their sociable nature and willingness to please make them a top choice for families seeking a loyal and affectionate furry friend.

Best Big Dogs to Get

Labrador Retriever

  • Size: 55-80 lbs
  • Lifespan: 10-14 years
  • Care Tip: Ensure regular exercise to keep them mentally and physically fit.

Why They're Great: Labradors are among the most beloved dog breeds globally, thanks to their playful, loving, and highly trainable nature. They are versatile companions, equally adept at being an active playmate for kids or a devoted and trainable partner for various activities.

German Shepherd

  • Size: 50-90 lbs
  • Lifespan: 9-13 years
  • Care Tip: Early socialization and training are crucial.

Why They're Great: Renowned for their intelligence and loyalty, German Shepherds often excel in roles such as police and military work. Their protective nature and strong work ethic make them both loving family pets and diligent protectors. Early socialization and training are vital to channel their intelligence positively.

Bernese Mountain Dog

  • Size: 70-115 lbs
  • Lifespan: 6-8 years
  • Care Tip: Due to some breed-specific health issues, regular vet check-ups are essential.

Why They're Great: These gentle giants are cherished for their affectionate nature and striking tri-color coat. Bernese Mountain Dogs thrive in family environments, where their calm and loving disposition shines. Keep in mind their shorter lifespan and specific health concerns, such as joint issues, when considering this breed.

Saint Bernard

  • Size: 140-180 lbs
  • Lifespan: 8-10 years
  • Care Tip: Due to their size, they can be prone to joint issues, so regular check-ups are a must.

Why They're Great: Historically famed for their rescue missions in the Alps, Saint Bernards are kind-hearted giants that are perfect for families. Their gentle nature and affectionate disposition make them wonderful companions, especially in homes with ample space to accommodate their size. Be proactive in monitoring their health, especially concerning their joints, due to their substantial build.

Pros and Cons of Owning a Big Dog


  • Companionship: Big dogs often provide unparalleled companionship. Their loving and affectionate nature can offer emotional support and a strong bond with their owners, making them excellent friends and confidants.
  • Exercise Motivation: If you're looking for a motivator to lead a more active lifestyle, a big dog can be the perfect fitness companion. Their energy levels and enthusiasm for outdoor activities can encourage you to stay active and healthy.
  • Family-Friendly: Many larger breeds are known for their gentle and patient demeanor, making them great choices for families with children. They can often tolerate the playful antics of kids and become loyal protectors of the younger members of the household.
  • Versatility: Big dogs come in various breeds, each with its unique talents and characteristics. Whether you want a working dog, a loyal companion, a guardian, or a service dog, there's likely a large breed that can fulfill your specific needs.
  • Warmth and Comfort: On cold nights, a big dog can provide an extra source of warmth and comfort. Their size and body heat can make snuggling with them a cozy experience during the winter months.
  • Social Interaction: Having a big dog can lead to increased social interaction. While out for walks or at dog parks, you're likely to strike up conversations with fellow dog lovers, leading to new friendships and a sense of community.
  • Therapeutic Benefits: Big dogs, like all dogs, have therapeutic qualities. Their presence can reduce stress, anxiety, and depression, providing emotional support and improving your overall well-being.


  • Space Requirements: One significant consideration when owning a big dog is the need for ample space. They require room to move, play, and stretch comfortably. Small apartments or homes with limited outdoor space may not be suitable for larger breeds.
  • Maintenance: Big dogs come with larger appetites, which means more food expenses. Additionally, many large breeds have thick or long coats that require regular grooming to prevent matting and maintain their overall health. Bigger dogs also need larger beds and toys, which can increase the cost of pet care.
  • Transportation Challenges: Traveling with a big dog can be more challenging. You may need a larger vehicle to accommodate them comfortably, and not all public transportation options are pet-friendly for larger breeds. Planning trips and outings may require extra consideration and preparation.

Essential Accessories for Big Dogs

When caring for a large dog, it's essential to invest in the right accessories to ensure their comfort, well-being, and safety. Here's an expanded list of essential accessories for big dogs:

Heavy-Duty Leash with Strong Hardware

Given their size and strength, large dogs may have a tendency to pull during walks. A heavy-duty leash with sturdy hardware provides better control, reducing the risk of slipping or breaking, and allowing for a more enjoyable and safe walking experience for both you and your dog.

Orthopedic Big Dog Bed

Large dogs require spacious and supportive bedding to rest comfortably. Opt for an orthopedic dog bed designed specifically for larger breeds. These beds provide the necessary cushioning and support to alleviate pressure on joints and muscles, making them ideal for maintaining your dog's health and ensuring a good night's sleep.

Durable and Size-Appropriate Toys

Large dogs can be powerful chewers, which means standard-sized toys might not last long. Invest in durable, size-appropriate toys that can withstand their chewing strength and rigorous play. Look for toys made of robust materials like rubber, nylon, or sturdy fabric to keep your dog entertained and prevent the risk of ingestion of small parts.

Elevated Food and Water Bowls

Elevated food and water bowls offer several benefits for big dogs. They promote proper posture during mealtime, reducing the strain on their necks and backs, which can be particularly important for breeds prone to musculoskeletal issues. Elevated bowls also help prevent bloat, a potentially life-threatening condition, by slowing down their eating pace.

Adjustable Harness with Wide Straps

A harness is an excellent alternative to collars, especially for large dogs prone to tracheal issues. Choose an adjustable harness with wide straps that distribute pressure more evenly across their chest and shoulders. This design provides greater comfort and control while reducing the risk of injury.

Grooming Tools for Thick Coats

If your big dog has a thick or long coat, invest in grooming tools tailored to their specific needs. These may include a slicker brush, a de-shedding tool, and a dematting comb. Regular grooming not only keeps their coat healthy but also helps prevent matting and tangling.

Tips for Training Big Dogs

Training big dogs can be a fulfilling journey when approached with the right strategies and techniques. Here are detailed tips to help you successfully train your large canine companion:

Start Early and Be Patient

Early training is essential for large dogs. Begin as soon as you bring your puppy home or when you adopt an adult dog. However, keep in mind that training is an ongoing process. Large breeds may take longer to mature mentally and physically, so be patient and persistent.

Consistency is Key

Consistency is the cornerstone of effective training. Establish clear and consistent rules and boundaries from the start. Ensure that all family members or caregivers follow the same training guidelines to prevent confusion for your dog. Consistency helps your dog understand what is expected of them and promotes quicker learning.

Positive Reinforcement

Embrace positive reinforcement as your primary training method. Reward-based training, which involves praising and rewarding your dog for desired behaviors, is not only effective but also humane. Use treats, toys, and verbal praise to reinforce good behavior. This approach motivates your dog to repeat those behaviors and strengthens the bond between you and your furry friend.

Training Sessions and Socialization

Break training into short, frequent sessions to keep your dog engaged and prevent boredom. Socialization is equally crucial for big dogs. Expose them to various environments, people, other dogs, and situations from an early age to promote confident and well-adjusted behavior.

Basic Commands

Start with basic commands such as sit, stay, down, and recall. These commands are fundamental for safety and control, especially with larger breeds that can be strong and energetic. Gradually progress to more advanced commands as your dog becomes proficient.

Professional Training Classes

Enrolling in professional training classes can be highly beneficial. Experienced trainers can provide expert guidance, correct any training issues, and offer valuable insights into your specific breed's needs. These classes also offer a structured and social environment for your dog to learn and interact with other dogs.

Physical and Mental Exercise

Large breeds require both physical and mental stimulation. Regular exercise is essential to expend their energy and prevent behavioral issues. Incorporate activities like obedience training, puzzle toys, and interactive games to challenge their minds.

Health Considerations for Large Breeds

Caring for large dog breeds involves understanding their unique health considerations and proactively addressing them. Here's a more comprehensive look at health considerations for these majestic canines:

Joint Issues

Large breeds are often predisposed to joint problems, notably hip and elbow dysplasia. These conditions involve abnormal development or malformation of the joints, leading to pain, reduced mobility, and arthritis. To mitigate the risk, maintain a healthy weight for your dog, provide joint supplements as recommended by your veterinarian, and avoid strenuous activities on hard surfaces during their growth stages.

Heart Problems

Certain heart conditions, such as dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM), are more prevalent in large breeds. DCM is characterized by the enlargement of the heart chambers, impairing its ability to pump blood effectively. Regular veterinary check-ups are crucial for early detection and management of heart issues. Be attentive to symptoms like coughing, difficulty breathing, and exercise intolerance.

Dietary Needs

Nutrition plays a pivotal role in the overall health of large dogs. Overfeeding or providing the wrong type of diet can lead to obesity, which can exacerbate existing health problems, especially joint issues. Choose a high-quality, breed-appropriate diet and follow feeding guidelines. Monitor their weight and adjust their food intake as needed to maintain a healthy body condition.

Exercise and Weight Management

Large dogs require regular exercise to maintain a healthy weight and overall well-being. However, striking a balance is crucial. High-impact exercises during their growth stages can stress their developing joints, potentially leading to long-term joint problems. Consult with your veterinarian to establish an appropriate exercise regimen that considers your dog's age and breed-specific needs.

Regular Veterinary Check-ups

Frequent visits to the veterinarian are essential for large breeds. Regular check-ups help identify potential health issues early, enabling timely intervention and treatment. Your veterinarian can also provide guidance on vaccinations, parasite control, dental care, and overall preventive healthcare tailored to your dog's size and breed.


Choosing the best big dogs to get requires careful consideration. It's essential to understand their needs, potential health issues, and the joy they can bring to your life. While there's a bit more work involved in caring for a larger breed, the love and companionship they offer in return are well worth the effort.


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