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Central Asian Shepherd Dog


One of the oldest dog breeds, the Central Asian Shepherd Dog has a history that spans more than 5,000 years. It does not qualify as a designer breed created by humans, but one that developed as a result of climate. Here is a detailed preview of this powerful and muscular canine.

Central Asian Shepherd Dog Appearance

The CASD is a robust dog that is popular for its sturdy built and unmatched strength. A medium-sized CASD features a solid head, short neck, and short and cropped ears. It comes with a long tail and a fairly broad body. These dogs have long, skinny legs, boning is quite heavy, and a defined angulation is visible.

You will find these canines in a range of colors such as black, white, fawn, deep red, and brindle. Some of these are seen flaunting black masks. A medium-sized dog weighs up to 176 pounds and stands tall at 28 inches maximum.

Since the dog is overall large and sturdy, it consumes more food than what other breeds do on a regular basis. In order to meet their energy requirements, make sure to give them meals adequately and insure a balanced and nutritional diet as much as possible. The average lifespan of this muscular canine is 14 years or more if it exercises regularly and is well taken care of.

Central Asian Shepherd Dog Grooming

The CASD has either a long or a short coat depending on the region it originated from. The places where climate conditions remain relatively cold, the coat acts as insulation. However, each dog has a thick undercoat. These dogs are non-hypoallergenic since they shed heavily on a seasonal basis, so grooming requirements are not stringent throughout the year.

Whenever the fur storm is evident which is usually twice in a year, intermittent grooming becomes mandatory. During these times, you must exercise regular brushing on this breed using a pin brush to avoid tangles and dead skin from staying for long.

In addition to this, an occasional bath will help to keep the canine clean and tidy. Their nails must be trimmed from time to time using either a nail trimmer or grinder, whatever you have available. Trimming is essential because otherwise their nails might overgrow and become cracked or split.

Ears must also be checked on a regular basis to prevent wax from building up and other such debris that can cause an ear infection. Lastly, it is imperative to brush their teeth regularly to avoid bad breath and gum infection.

Central Asian Shepherd Dog Temperament

As for the temperament, these dogs are generally found displaying different behaviors based on the breed type. Not all CASDs behave the same way. Some tend to be more aggressive while some are more of a calm nature. Dogs that belong to the fighting lines tend to demonstrate more aggression, and these require more socialization as well as supervision when they are around other defenseless pets.

Overall, this canine is quite self-assured and smart type, and they are extremely brave too. If they sense their owner is in danger, they react immediately, and this usually takes the form of attack. These dogs qualify as excellent watchdogs and guard companions. In order to have them behave nicely with other pets, socializing is mandatory.

Central Asian Shepherd Dog Training

In terms of training, the CASDs are intelligent. You will be required to establish leadership because they do not train easily. They have a mind of their own, so you must bond with it in order to create an environment where the dog learns to listen to you and train.

You must use positive reinforcement to trains these dogs and try to use reward-based training. If you use a harsh tone or negative reinforcement, you will never reach the finish line.

Central Asian Shepherd Dog History

The Central Asian Shepherd Dog originated in the regions of the Ural, the Caspian Sea, Asia Minor, and China. There are numerous other breeds of the CASD based on the region of origin and terrain. They extend from the mountains of Mongolia all the way to the Karakum desert.

The history of these canines may be traced to the history of the famous Silk Road. It was during those times when tribes could not guard themselves against other invading tribes, so they were in need of guard dogs. The various breeds of CASD were used to guard what these ancient tribes held – their families and mode of transportation in the form of horses and camels.

In the modern day, these dogs are traditional livestock guardian dogs, and the territorial breeds are deployed to watch people and their dearly held possessions. Based on their exceptional guarding traits since inception, these canines guard anything and everything that is placed under their supervision, be it people, animals, or tangible possessions.

The first standard breed was created in Russia by the former USSR, but its modern version Central Asian Ovcharka rose to fame in later years.

Other names

Alabai, Central Asian Ovtcharka, CAO, Aziat

Central Asian Shepherd Dog Photos

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Written by Dane The Great

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